What to Do When You Accidentally Eat Gluten

While there is currently no cure for when a person with celiac disease accidentally eats gluten, here are some ways to reduce symptoms and promote healing.

What to do After You Accidentally Eat Gluten

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What Foods Contain Gluten?

Many people feel extremely overwhelmed when they are told that they need to follow a gluten free diet. Luckily, more foods are gluten free than you might think. I encourage you to read this list of naturally gluten free foods.

How Can I Tell if a Food Contains Gluten?

There are foods that are more obvious sources of gluten including wheat breads, pasta, pastries, cookies, and cakes. However, other foods can contain less obvious ingredients that are made from gluten. Learning to read nutrition labels are a crucial skill for anyone with celiac disease. Learn more on how to read nutrition labels here.

What Happens When I Accidentally Eat Gluten?

People who follow a strict gluten free diet work extremely hard to avoid gluten at all costs.

Each person experiences a different variety and severity of symptoms, including (but not limited to) gas, bloating, brain fog, diarrhea, headaches, and fatigue.[1] While many of these symptoms may seem less severe than other food allergies (such as anaphylaxis), it can impact the person for days, weeks, and even months!

For someone with celiac disease, accidentally ingesting gluten triggers an autoimmune reaction that causes damage to the small intestine.[1] The small intestine is one of the primary places that our body absorbs nutrients, which is why celiac disease can lead to malnourishment in people with celiac disease who are (consciously or accidentally) consistently eating gluten.

Remember, even if you are asymptomatic (you don’t experience symptoms) after eating gluten, it is incredibly important to never cheat on a gluten free diet.

What Do I Do When I Accidentally Eat Gluten?

1. Drink plenty of fluids (water, bone broth). Consistent hydration throughout the day becomes especially important after an accidental gluten exposure. If you experience diarrhea, you may also need to consider replacing electrolytes as well. Mix it up by incorporating bone broth or an electrolyte drink low in sugar along with water.[2]

2. Try eating ginger to help with nausea. One study showed that ginger can help to aid symptoms of nausea. [3] If nausea is a common symptom you experience, consider trying a ginger tea, ginger lozenges, or fresh ginger.

3. Eat foods that are easy to digest. Remember, accidental gluten exposure targets your small intestine, which can put added stress on your digestive system. Choosing foods that are easy to digest (bananas, rice, apple sauce, potatoes) can help to reduce added strain on your body during the digestion process. Pineapple also contains natural digestive enzymes called bromelain that can aid in protein digestion.[4]  

4. Avoid foods that are difficult to digest. Along the same lines as the suggestion above, there are several types of food that can place added stress on your digestive system including dairy, sugar, spicy foods, fatty foods, and raw foods. Note that the elimination of these foods are temporary (as your body recovers) and can be reintroduced slowly as your body can tolerate them.

5. Get some rest. Resting is one of the best ways to allow your body to heal. Worrying about your accidental exposure won’t help your symptoms – and believe me we ALL make mistakes. Don’t forget to show yourself some compassion and self-love.

6. Avoid excess exercise. While regular exercise is always recommended to live a healthy life, you might want to avoid strenuous exercise after accidentally eating gluten. Planning to go for a long run today? Perhaps going for a relaxing walk might be a better alternative.

How Long Will it Take For My Symptoms To Improve After I Accidentally Eat Gluten?

Remember that length of symptoms will vary from person to person. Some of us may experience symptoms for a few days and others might be much longer. The best thing you can do is listen to your body’s cues and adjust accordingly.

If you are still struggling and need extra support, I recommend seeking out a Registered Dietitian that specializes in celiac disease!

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Recovery After You Accidentally Eat Gluten
Recovery After You Accidentally Eat Gluten

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