Are Oats Safe for People with Celiac Disease?

Oats are naturally gluten free, but because of the way they are manufactured in the United States, conventional oats are NOT safe for people with Celiac Disease. In this article, you’ll learn how to choose celiac-safe products.

Are Oats Naturally Gluten Free?

Yes! Oats are a naturally gluten free grain (+ a good source of fiber).

Why are Oats Not Celiac Safe?

Why? In the United States oats are often grown next to, transported with, and processed with other gluten containing grains (wheat, barley, rye). A study done in Canada tested 133 oat-containing products and found that 88% of those products contained gluten levels higher than the accepted level over 20 parts per million (ppm).[1]

How To Safely Choose Oats or Oat-Containing Products:

1. Look for a “Certified” Gluten Free label on the packaging means that the product has been independently tested to have safe gluten levels between 5-20 ppm.

2. If the product isn’t certified gluten free, check the ingredient label for “gluten free oats” in the ingredients list.

Recommended Gluten Free Oat Brands

Are Cheerios Celiac Safe?

Cheerios are an example of a product that is gluten free but NOT celiac safe.

Oats are an exception to the FDA rule that any product with a “gluten free” label must contain less that 20 parts per million (ppm) of gluten. [2]

If a product contains oats, they must be labeled “gluten free” OR the product must carry a certified gluten free label, to be considered celiac-safe.

Gluten Free (Celiac Safe) Granola Recipe

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Why Are Oats Not Safe for People with Celiac Disease?

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