Gluten Free Miso Brands:

Eden Foods*, Hanamaruki, Hikari*, Kurano Kaori, Marukome, Miso Master*, Shirakiku

*Certified GF Products Available


Miso is a fermented soybean paste that is commonly used in Japanese cooking. It’s made by inoculating soybeans with a particular mold called Koji (aka Aspergillus oryzae)Koji can be made from soybeans, rice, or barley so be sure that the miso is labeled gluten free.

Miso also comes in a variety of different flavors including (but not limited to) white, red, and awase. Each has a unique flavor so be sure to double check which type you are using!

  • If you’re using a small amount (~tablespoon) then consider swapping with tahini (ground sesame) paste
  • If you’re using a large amount then consider swapping with soy sauce for flavor (just remember that the consistency of miso paste is very thick, and soy sauce is very thin)
White Miso Paste
Hikari White Miso Paste

Recipes That Use Miso Paste